
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Basic Composition for Photography

Photography skills composition make the difference between a photograph and a snapshot. Point and click shots are taken without considering the base composition. In these cases usually end up with a confused image is a blurred image or a distraction. Basic photography composition is easy to learn and apply
to your photos. The resulting improvement will love.

What the camera sees
Although the composition of the basic picture can be understood in minutes, mastering it takes a little longer. One of the most important advice is to look carefully through the viewfinder when taking a photograph.
While the eyes can focus on the subject object, the camera does not act like a human eye. Everything is recorded in the viewfinder.
Basic photography composition requires that you see the camera, taking the foreground, background and everything that surrounds the subject matter. You can change what is included within the display, changing the angle at which you shoot your pictures.
Points of interest and the basic composition of the photograph
Before taking a photo, consider the environment. Much of the base composition is a photograph taken of the environmental awareness of its subject. A well composed image has only one point of interest, which means that the eye is attracted to an area of ​​photography. If the point of interest is a group of people or a train, do not compete for the viewer's attention.
Review the plan and the background before drawing: If you take a photo of his grandfather, this rose will be in the foreground draw the eye away from your subject? If so, go to the grandfather is not in competition with weeds to be the center of attention.

Also, make sure that your object can be seen. If the subject is too far from the camera or the shade of a building or large object, not efficiently capture the subject of the photo.
Base composition into three parts
A simple guide to make your point of interest in the foreground of an image is mentally divide the viewfinder into a grid of three by three. You can then use the points of intersection of the grid to experiment with different angles of the photo.
The imaginary grid is used differently depending on whether you're shooting a portrait or a landscape:
• Portrait: Use the vertical lines in a vertical position. The decision to focus the subject in the middle third or one-third of the events can radically alter the mood of the photo.
• Landscape: Center of the landscape image in the horizontal division lines. Using the upper thirds will give an image that emphasizes the foreground, while centering the networking landscape in the background will give an image with an emphasis on the horizon and sky.
Group Photo
When you take a picture of a group of people, try shooting from different angles to get the shot more interesting. Many photographers have a "rule of three" when it comes to group photos: avoid straight lines in a group containing more than three people.
A rule to compose an image that has a large group of people is to avoid "high school band" Photos: people in the back of these images often have their faces blocked by the people against them. Experiment with different angles. Try to shoot the high and low angles to see what works best for your needs.
The action plans
Basic composition of the action or sports photography can be tricky due to the evolution of these vaccines. Because you can not "ask" these photos are often blurred or development if done incorrectly.
The best action shots are taken as close to the action. Of course, this rule has its limits. Security guards and security risks are among the main obstacles to capturing action scenes. The key is to get as close as possible without interfering with the action or risk their own safety.
The action scenes are easier to take when the action can be predicted in advance. For example, a hockey player on a breakaway to try to throw the disc, the horses in a horse race is about to pop out of the door early in the race. Anticipating this action allows you to configure and capture the image you want.
Angles and the base composition
The angle at which shooting is the key to the composition of a craft photo. Basic photography composition usually takes a diagonal shot was a more dynamic image. Look for diagonal lines, trying to play a more dramatic, vivid image.
For a body shot or portrait, do not be afraid to turn the camera on the side. If you take pictures with a straight line at the point of view, these vaccines have a large amount of wasted space on each side of the subject.
Play with the angle of a shot can make all the difference in the composition of basic photography. As you become familiar with photographic composition, experimenting with shooting high and low, and shooting from below or above your subject.
Breaking the Rules
Finally, remember that the rules of basic photography composition are not written in stone. Instead, use them to guide their own creative ideas. Follow the basic composition until you are comfortable with them and then start experimenting. Sometimes ignoring the guidelines of photography unique, surprising. However, make sure you understand the basics before playing with the rules of basic photography composition.